Lawn Care Essentials


Some people think that healthy lawns look like a putting green. The fact is, longer grass results in longer, healthier roots. Raising the setting on the lawnmower will do a lot to help grass grow thick and healthy. A thick lawn also helps prevent
weeds. Adding the right fertilization treatments will top things off to having the most envied lawn in the neighborhood.


Regular feeding helps the lawn develop healthy roots and blades. Start with a spring feed around the first mow. A pre-emergent  will assist in green healthy lawn and stunt growth of crab grasses and weeds. Follow with a mid and late summer fertilizer treatment, fall and late fall feeding to better ensure lush results.


There are a lot of options available when choosing fertilizer. Here are some quick fertilizer facts to make the best recommendation for the customer’s needs.

Fertilizer burns

It’s no secret that having too much fertilizer can burn a lawn. One very distinct advantage of liquid fertilizer is controlling how much is applied to reduce the possibility of burning the lawn. Granular fertilizer can be difficult to apply evenly, and using it will likely burn the lawn. To combat a burnt lawn, be sure to water it generously after fertilization to help the soil take in the nutrients.

Fertilizer is not created equal

In the case of granular vs. liquid fertilizer, the important piece of information is the absorption rate, or How long it takes to sink into the soil. Most granular fertilizer requires 24-72 hours to become fully absorbed into the soil. The time for a liquid fertilizer is usually under 24 hours. Keep in mind that a granular fertilizer will never be able to kill weeds no matter what your neighbor or supplier may say.  Trust us, we have tried it over and over again.


Granular fertilizer is much more effective than liquid fertilizer for pre-winter fertilization. In cold weather, liquid fertilizer has a hard time penetrating the thatch to sink into soil. In climates that receive snow, a granular fertilization before the first snowfall can be extremely beneficial to an early spring start. It can help grass become healthier and greener much faster than without a pre-winter fertilization.


Broadcast spreaders throw the material out in a wider swath, sometimes as wide as 8’. If there is a large area to cover, they can make short work of it. They are, however, a little trickier to use since you need to keep up a steady walking speed(usually 3 mph) and you need to be moving when you activate the spreader. Some broadcast spreaders come with sidedeflectors, which let you get close to sidewalks, beds and driveways without spreading material on these adjacent areas.

Call us today to get your free lawn diagnosis from our lawn care professionals.  Its Free and has a green and weed free lawn treatment satisfaction guarantee